
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Update

Mark had brain surgery on Wednesday, December 18th. The surgery went very well. The tumor in Mark’s brain, that the doctors thought was aggressive and growing, and warranted surgery, was black, shriveled, dead, and smaller than expected. Although it was no longer growing, it was causing Mark’s brain to swell and the surgeon successfully removed it. Mark is already feeling better.


Mark spent several days in the hospital, 

but as he predicted, returned to work on Monday, December 23rd. Mark is very grateful for the prayers, phone calls, emails and other expressions of love and support. He sends his love and best wishes to all of you for a Merry Christmas and a happy and blessed 2014.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 18th Update- Surgery Day

As you know, Mark has had a miraculous response to medications and radiation.  The mediation he received last summer activated his immune system to recognize the tumor cells as abnormal and therefore to attack and kill the tumor cells.  His followup brain and body scans have shown that most of the tumors in his body are completely gone or are much smaller. Two tumors, however, are growing, one beside his kidney and another in his brain.

After further MRI testing yesterday, the doctor feels that the brain tumor requires another round of focused brain radiation or surgical excision followed by focused brain radiation.  After considering the pros and cons, Mark and Meg have decided to proceed with surgical excision of the brain tumor on Thursday. Mark anticipates a quick recovery and plans to be kept in the hospital for only 3-4 days.  Subsequently, radiation will begin when the doctors feel appropriate, but this is done on an outpatient basis and causes little or no symptoms.

The tumor near the kidney will be treated with focused radiation after the brain tumor treatment has been completed.

Mark will be busy at work and with the necessary hospital pre-admission procedures until Saturday or Sunday. He expects to be in the office Monday of next week.

Mark and Meg are grateful for your continued prayers on his behalf.  He has felt the Spirit very strongly through this process and feels that everyone's prayers on his behalf have had a huge impact for good.

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6th Update

I'm so grateful to still be here a year later.  I have felt, as has the family, you’re continued love and prayers. I can’t begin to express how much it has meant to me – thank you.  My PET scan showed minor tumor growth, nothing my immune system can’t handle, but one concerning tumor.  I'm scheduled for radiation on that tumor next week. 

My brain scan showed one tumor causing brain swelling.  Doctors Grossman, Shrieve, and Jensen want to perform another MRI on 12/24/13 with additional tests to determine how to treat it.  With the holidays coming up, I'm not certain when I will see the brain surgeon, Dr. Jensen, to interpret the results.