
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chemotherapy Helping

I began the chemotherapy, which I take orally twice a day, on October 30.  My first and only brain MRI on October 5th revealed 8 brain tumors.  My first and only PET (full body) scan on October 10th revealed numerous tumors in muscle tissue, bladder, bones, lungs, lymph nodes, and joints.  My next brain MRI and PET scan will be January 8, 2013.  I intended not to update the blog until after these scans, because we will not know with certainty until then the tumor status.  However, I thought an interim update might be helpful –especially since I have some encouraging news.
Within three days of taking Zelboraf, my chemotherapy prescription,  I began to notice the shrinking of the large tumors in my back and leg.  After a week, the largest tumor in my back was imperceptible.  Zelboraf has some dangerous potential side effects, so I have been in twice for checkups on side effects.  During these visits, my blood was measured for Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH).  Tissue breakdown releases LDH, and therefore LDH can be measured as a surrogate for tissue breakdown.  A normal person has an LDH reading between 100 and 250.  On October 17th my LDH was 607.  On November 6th (one week on Zelforab) my LDH was 298.  On November 14, my LDH was 205.  This is truly great news as it indicates that Zelboraf is working as hoped.  Another blessing is that, while I've experienced some side effects,  I've not experienced those that would require me to stop taking the drug.
For the benefit of friends and family that are not local, I've attached a current photo the illustrates the only two outwardly visible side effects (hair loss and skin rash) that I've experienced so far.
I continue to attend work every day and remain convinced that it is the prayers and positive thoughts of friends and family that gives me such energy.